Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Camera History

1.The  camera obscure is a latin word for dark room and it is a whole that helps the camera focus.
2.In the 17th century the high quality glass lenses was invented to create modern cameras.
3. The film was invited out of Nicphce In 827 and the modes camera at that time had a glass lens , dark box, and film.
4. Moder cameras and Niepce's have in common are they both have the light that passes though them and exposes film.
5.Digital cameras use a sensor called CCD to save the Images.
6.On the Auto the camera will completely flaw and exposure  and on the program the camera just shots and can usually control flash
7.The portrait mode is used for To Blur our the background ,The camera will try to use the fastest available lenses settings.
8.Sports mode is used for freezing motions, camera will us the highest shutter speed possible to catch the image
9.You should use the Half- Press trigger button when you want to focus lock and it will slink and beep when it is ready to go.
10.The Symbole means that The flash will not be used and It can also be more dramatic when you use the natural light.
11.The symbole means thats if camera need to more flash it will use flash if it has good light it will not use flash.
12.If there is to much light in the picture then the picture will be washed out.
13.When the picture is to dark the picture will not look like " real Life".
14.A stop is to relative change in the brightness light.
15.It was would be  +4 stops .
16.It would be +10 stops.
17.A long shutter will have more light in the photo .
18. The short shutter will have less light in the photo
19.Aperure controle can control  the light that is reached to the film .
20.the shutter speed can adjust the amount of light appeared.

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